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The Story is in the Wood!

“ As far as I could see, south, north along the ridge, there were the Canadians. And I experienced my first full sense of nationhood”. ~ ...

Friday, 7 April 2017

Vimy Flute at Ardenne Abbey

This is Ardenne Abbey and it is a very sacred space to Canadians.  On this site 20 Canadians prisoners of war where executed in June of 1944. The peacefulness of the Abbey is strongly contrasted by the atrocities committed here by the German 12TH SS.

Vimy Flute at Beny-sur-Mer

Please check out this video of the Vimy Flute a Beny-sur-Mer.  This is a Canadian war cemetery of the Second World War contains soldiers who fell during the first stages of the Normandy campaign.  This include D-Day at Juno Beach and the subsequent holding and blacking out of Juno.